Friday, March 20, 2009

"Cadillac Records"

Adrien Brody, Jeffrey Wright, and Beyonce Knowles come together in a movie based on true events. Adrien plays Leonard Chess of Chess Records in Chicago. Jeffrey Wright is famed blues musician Muddy Waters. Beyonce Knowles is the great Etta James.

The storyline starts with Leonard Chess' decision to open a blues club and Muddy Waters leaving sharecropping in Mississippi to become a musician in Chicago. While in Chicago, Muddy hears Little Walter wailing on his harmonica and persuades Walker to form a band with him. Their band makes a lasting impression on Leonard that he decides to market Muddy's music.

Good rental and a safe first date movie. Enjoyed how the movie pulled in the recording artists into the story. Was not expecting much but was pleasantly surprised, even more since the movie was based on true events!-JM

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