Friday, January 20, 2023

The King (2019) 🍺🍺🍺

Jerry's Beer Movie Rating system gives "The King"
🍺🍺🍺 Three Beers - Entertaining movie, prefer to rent or stream instead of pay the premium at the theater. Three beers to keep a buzz while enjoying the movie.

IMDB summarizes the movie, "Hal, wayward prince and heir to the English throne, is crowned King Henry V after his tyrannical father dies. Now the young king must navigate palace politics, the war his father left behind, and the emotional strings of his past life."

Rotten Tomatoes Critics Consensus notes, "While The King is sometimes less than the sum of its impressive parts, strong source material and gripping performances make this a period drama worth hailing"

Rotten Tomatoes Audience notes, "Beautiful directing, loved the characters evolution, great coherent storyline... Had a wonderful time watching it."

Jerry's Review notes, "Pleasant surprise and entertaining movie that seems to follow the historical timeline!"

Checked out IMDB  and Rotten Tomatoes. Seems the audience liked it more than the critics. Jerry holds fast with 3 Beers 🍺🍺🍺!

  • IMDB Rating was 7.3 out 10 Stars
  • Rotten Tomato's Tomatometer was 71%
  • And, Rotten Tomato's Audience Score was 83%


Rotten Tomatoes

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