Monday, May 12, 2008

Movie Review - "Reservation Road"

… drama with Joaquin Phoenix, Jennifer Connelly, Mark Ruffalo, and Mira Sorvino. Joaquin and Jennifer are a happily married couple.  They have two children - a son and a daughter.  Mark and Mira are a divorced couple who have a son.  They live in separate homes and share responsibility for their son's upbringing.
In a twist of bad circumstances, Mark loses control of his vehicle while driving home from a Boston Red Sox game.  Mark and his son are avid Red Sox fans. They were returning home from a late game when Mark lost control and accidentally runs into Joaquin and Jennifer's son killing him immediately. Unfortunately, Mark does not stop and render aid. He drives off.

The remainder of the movie shows viewers the pain and guilt that torments each family with emphasis on the effect the accident has on the fathers.  Good movie that keeps your interest.  Not a bad rental! -JM

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